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6 Habits of a Healthy Christian Marriage

  6 Habits of a Healthy Christian Marriage  Marriage isn't easy, and it's definitely not a walk in the park. It takes two people who are strong-willed and most of all committed.  My husband and I have been married for two years. Those around us say that we are still in the "honeymoon phase". They don't realize that even though we may be young, we have our priorities in place and of all things, we have our hearts right with God.  It hasn't always been this way. Sam and I got together when we were seven-teen years old. Life was good and we were just living in the moment. We did not have our lives in order to say the least. We were young and dumb. We thought we knew everything about life. This fits the description of almost every young couple today.  We were both raised to be believers of God. We were more of what you call, "Luke-warm Christians" at the time. We knew what we needed to do and how we should live. We just didn't, some how we bent the &

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