
Blogging Do's and Don'ts: Beginner

Are you a new blogger? Perhaps, you just need some pointers on what you should or shouldn't be doing. There are TONS of blogging do's and don'ts. It doesn't take a genius to realize this. We all have to start somewhere. Constantly looking for new tips for your blog is always a good idea. How can I produce better content for my readers? What am I doing wrong? What could I do better? Even if you are a beginner blogger, these questions may pop into your head from time to time. So let's start! 

Blogging Do's 

1. Find a title that just screams, "Read Me!". Finding a catchy title is always a good start when blogging. You want your blog to stick out from the rest. I mean, why wouldn't we? We are doing it for a reason. 

2. Write about useful content. When your content can be useful it's most likely going to get read. Whether it's about financial tips or the latest anti-aging cream. If it's useful it's a definite plus in the blogging world. 

3. As a blogger you need to be professional. We want our readers to come back! We can make sure this happens by not scaring them away. Let's be nice, and please do not use any profanity. So be friendly, it will go along way. 

4. Always proof read your content. Having misspelled words doesn't show you as a creditable blogger. Using spell check really helps with this. Double checking your work is just good business sense. You want your work to show just how amazing you are. 

Pro tip: Get a friend to read your content before you publish. Sometimes they can spot our mistakes before we can.

5. Get to the point quickly. Make it short and sweet. Use short and complete sentences. Focus on what you have to say and get to your point. Short, sweet and simple.

6. We all love pictures. It's good to place pictures in your blog posts (make sure you have permission to use other's content). It's like having a children's book. What is a children's book without pictures? Nothing. It's boring and it drags by. Instead of reading for fun.. it feels like a chore. Along with pictures, use pops of color in your text. This also make it fun and easier for your readers to keep up. It's also a good way to organize your headers and subheadings. 

7.  Another good way to organize your blog is to use lists or bullets when you can. Who doesn't love a good organized blog. I'm a sucker for it. 

8. Engage your audience. Who are you doing this for? That's right, them. Ask them questions. Get to know the people who are reading your material. What do they want to see more of? Well that is a great question to ask them. 

9. Don't slack and leave your audience wanting more. It's like.. waiting on the next episode of your favorite show. You need to blog on a regular basis. Sit down and write down a topic, time and date that you want to do next. This will keep your mind focused on what you need to publish next. 

10. Make sure that your blog is appealing to the eye. Make sure that it screams your personality. After all.. it's about you and what you stand for. A good colorful, organized blog is always key. 

Blogging Don'ts 

1. Don't use other's content without permission. Whether it's their pictures or other blog posts, and if you do.. always give them credit. 

2. Don't give up. Coming up with the topics isn't easy, and building a good blog isn't either. It just takes time to find your niche. Once you get going you will be a force to be reckoned with. 

3. Don't use too many fonts, or effects. It gets to be too much and it just looks messy. 

4. Don't try to talk about to many things at once. You can choose to separate them into different posts if you have to. It gets confusing for your readers to follow and it's hard to keep up. 

5. Again, don't use profanity. It's unprofessional and its just bad business. 

6. Don't be careless with your blog. You started it because it was something YOU wanted to do. Provide quality content and have fun with it. 

7. Don't be a follower. Write what interests you! That's how you have fun. You write about what YOU want to write about. 

8. Don't be a robot, add some personality into your writing. Make your readers laugh. 

9. Don't play salesman of the year. No matter your niche, or what your blog is about. If you are trying to sell your audience a product.. don't push it on them. Be honest and review the product. They want to hear what the product done for you, and how it changed your life. That's why they are reading your blog. If they wanted to buy "this" product they could do that themselves. They want reviews so let them have it.

10. Don't forget to link your blog to your website or Pinterest account. This is a helpful tip because this leads traffic back to your blog. You will find this helpful!

Blogging can be difficult at first, but with the right resources and pointers you can succeed. Write and have fun. Oh, and don't forget to be yourself!
