
The Scariest Time Of My Life!



         The Scariest Time Of My Life

This was it, It was here. What was going on with my body, and why was it failing me? Those were the questions that kept going through my mind. In order to find out what type of tumor and the problems that it was causing; I of course had to get more tests done. This included a MRI and more bloodwork. I was nervous because I had never done an MRI before.  My bloodwork showed that my prolactin levels were elevated; which makes sense because.. well I was lactating. If you aren't sure what the term "prolactin" is or what it does, let me explain it to you. Prolactin is a protein that allows a woman or mammal to produce milk in order to nurse their young. A woman's prolactin level of course elevates if she is either pregnant or has just given birth. So with that being said, a normal range for prolactin is less than 20ng/mL. My previous doctor failed to tell me that my prolactin levels had been elevated for quite some time. By the time I was able to see my neurologist my prolactin levels were at a whopping 248 ng/mL.  This is when I was diagnosed with a microadenoma. A microadenoma is non-cancerous tumor. Yes! This is what we were praying for. This tumor develops in the pituitary gland; which is located behind the eyes. The pituitary gland controls all kinds of things like growth, development, metabolism and reproduction. This is where infertility comes into play. A Pituitary Microadenoma is actually a genetic mutation and no one can explain what causes it. There are actually TWO types of microadenomas. Functioning which produces hormones and nonfunctioning which does not. So, there's my NEW diagnosis: A functioning Pituitary Microadenoma, not Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. 

I had a mix of emotions. How could someone miss diagnose me? How could a doctor forget to mention that my prolactin levels were elevated? But of all things I thought, "Why me? What have I done to deserve this?". What did this new diagnosis mean for not only my future but OUR future? I had felt so hopeless. Why was this obstacle in my way of something I've always dreamt of? I made sure to ask my neurologist about the odds of having a family. It was said, that once everything is back to normal and my levels are in range there wouldn't be a problem with conceiving. This was good news!
