Dear Younger Me, 6 Things I Wish I Could Tell You.
Dear Younger Me,
You are patient, kind and courageous and you love with all of your heart. You are strong-willed, smart and you have the biggest personality. There is so much I want to tell you, so let's begin.
Stop. Don't grow up too quickly. I know that you have had problems in your home-life, but with this you've learned that you can handle whatever life throws at you. You've experienced things that most children will never have too. I know you had to "grow up" quickly because of this.. just don't let it. Stay little and try to enjoy what's left of your child-hood. Make memories while you can, because you are only little once. Be patient, things will get better - I promise.
You may have figured out by now that there will be people telling you who you should be, what you should think, things you should and shouldn't do, and basically how you should breathe. It's just part of life. With the guidance of loved ones, you'll soon figure it out. It comes with time, so be patient.
Oh, and don't try to fit in, it's not worth it. Don't be average, and don't be scared to let your personality shine. Don't let your shyness be your biggest down-fall, and remember you are your biggest critic. Be yourself, because everyone else is taken.
Also, remember you aren't everyone's cup of tea. Be kind to everyone, even yourself.
Don't be afraid, younger me. The struggles that you are going through.. they are just temporary. Does it get better? I wish I could tell you that it does - but it doesn't.
My biggest advice would be to grow closer to God, because he will get you through. The things that you are going through, well.. it will all makes sense in the future. There isn't any use of worrying all of the time. Worrying does nothing to help your problems. You are so young and it isn't your place to figure out everything right now. Worrying is for the birds. My favorite phrase is, "Let go and Let God". Please keep this in mind and use it. It'll do you some good.
Just in case you are having a bad day. Remember that you are enough. Don't let someone's inability to see your worth make you feel otherwise. You are made in God's image and you need to remember that. You matter, you are loved and you are special.
You may have developed the mindset that you "aren't" enough from your average friends and less than average boyfriend. If they can't value your love or your friendship, please don't take it to heart. All you can do is try, and if that isn't enough - well it's on them and not you. As mentioned above.. You're not everyone's cup of tea. Look at this as a life lesson. All you can do is be the best person you can be.
Younger me, you are going to make mistakes.. and plenty of them. Guess what? It doesn't get better. It's just life. You're mistakes do not define the person you are. You are going to fail. BUT.. you will rise and you WILL overcome. Don't give in, and don't give up. Look to God for guidance, and he will help you succeed. Your mistakes are just stepping stones.
It's best that you don't get caught up in them.. and most importantly that you learn from them. No one is perfect, I promise. Don't constantly kick yourself because of your mistakes. EVERYONE makes them.
Life get's crazy, and sometimes it gets hard. You are going to loose friendships and you are going to have heart-breaks. There will be days that you are going to question your worth. I still do that to this day. Just know that God has amazing plans for you, and sometimes you may be unsure of what those things are. It's not up to us, we just have to trust in him. Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing great. Love hard and pray harder. Be kind and loving to others, be open about your faith and be willing to teach those around you, who are willing to listen about our most gracious God. Praise him in good times and bad and pray for others. Love life, and laugh (even if you snort) even through the hard times. Be willing to listen to other's needs. Stay humble and most definitely stay honest not only to yourself but to others. Be patient, things come in time. You will do great, and you will find the person whom your soul loves. When you do, never let him go. You can and you will do this, wanna know why? Because you are strong.
The Future You
I have to let you in on a little secret. You have the most amazing husband and your marriage puts God first. You've completed college and.. in the past year, you got baptized with not only your husband but his little sister. You are living your life to the fullest. You now have a little brother that you've been praying for, and your relationship with your Mom is the best ever. You've done great for yourself, you should be proud.
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